Our thanks to everyone listed below who donated for the production and distribution of the 2nd edition of Putting the Movement Back Into Civil Rights Teaching.
Gary Benenson
Timothy Jenkins
Rights and Opportunities Foundation
Mark Simon
Donald and Patricia Clausen
Mia Henry, Freedom Lifted Tours
Myla Kabat-Zinn
Patrick Newcomb Jr.
Nzinga Tull
Carmen Wolf and Mike Bauman
Saladin Aljurf
Janice and David Dressel
Illenin Kondo
Gail LaGrander
Enid Lee
Catherine Murphy
Ellen Olmstead
Garrett Quinn
Loraine Binion-Hardy
Carol Booker
Courtland Cox
Norm Diamond
Julie Olsen Edwards
Susan Follett
Tamima Friedman
Nancy A. Graham Memorial Fund of the Mid-Shore Community Foundation Inc.
Wesley Hogan
Matthew Holden Jr.
Brigham and Eliza Kiplinger
Charles Payne
Sandra Reischel
Paulette Saunders
Jenice L. View
Catrina Williams
Sally Arnold and Christine Weir
Curtis Austin
Barbara Aziz
Martin Blank
Kathleen Bougher
Tracy Bulkeley
Susan Greer Burton
James Cameron
Sarah Campbell
Vivian Carlo
Madeline and Sydney Carlock
Amy Cohen
Dennis Doyle
Danielle Drakes
Debi Duke and Steve Rosenberg
Sandra Duval
Liz Fairchild
Donna Fletcher
Melissa Fox
Susan M. Glisson
Perry Hamilton
Louis Hicks
Chris Hoeh
Grace Hu
Maia McCuiston Jackson
Jesse Johnson
Lauren Khouri
Debora Kodish
Jaime Koppel
Sharlene Kranz
Erika and Jim Landberg
Nathalie C. Lilavois
Judy Lipshutz
Darryl Malek-Wiley
Judith Martens
Jacqueline Byrd Martin
Rebecca Medrano
Julie Meyer
Andrew Miller
Laura Minnigerode
Nancy B. Moyle
Sonia and Angel Nieto
Margo Okazawa-Rey
Paul Ortiz
Elizabeth Patterson
Lise Pearlman
Griffin Pepper
Gita Rao
Judy Richardson
Larry O. Rivers
Courtney Rogers
Ken Rolling
S. Kwesi Rollins
Jessica A. Rucker
Gimena Sanchez-Garzoli
Paulette Saunders
Carol Savary
Joe and Barbara Schoenberg
Renee Hausman Shea
Christine Sleeter
Betty Ansin Smallwood
Virginia Spatz
Charles Stephenson and Judith Burrell
Ruth Tamaroff and Michael O’Hara
Paulette Thompson
Mary Beth Tinker
Marta Urquilla and Jomo Graham
Athena Viscusi
Amanda Wheeler-Kay
Sheryl Winarick
Barbara Wright and R. Frank Gay
The Rev. Dr. Janet Whaley Zimmerman
Add your name. Make a donation today for free distribution of the book to teachers and related workshops.
The funders for the 2004 edition of the book and website included Akonadi Foundation, Susan A. and Donald P. Babson Charitable Foundation, CLMER, Fannie Mae Foundation, George Gund Foundation, Humanities Council of Washington, D.C., and LEARN, a federally-funded Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) Project.
SNCC veteran and Teaching for Change board member Timothy Jenkins donated to this book in memory of fellow SNCC veteran Charles McDew (1938–2018). McDew was an activist and a theoretician. Chairperson of SNCC from 1960 to 1963, he was influenced by Rabbi Hillel’s oft-remembered questions: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”
Semi-retired engineering professor Gary Benenson donated for the production of this book in honor of Bob Moses, his former New York City middle school mathematics teacher. Moses invited Gary and his family to visit him and Amzie Moore in Mississippi in 1961. That life changing experience launched decades of collaboration on liberatory education.
Ernest “Khalif” Blue was a loving and cherished partner to co-editor, Alana D. Murray. His impact on his family and the Black community will never be forgotten.
Dedicated to the elders and ancestors — known and unknown — who helped make this history and insist that it be taught, from the Patterson, Fagin, View, Sharrieff, and Domville Walters families.