Sit Down Marie!: Eugenia Fortes at the Hyannis Port Beach
Teaching Reflection by Maggie Donovan
Students react to a story about two young African-American girls who refused to move to the colored section of the Massachusetts beach.

Sheyann Webb: A Story for First Grade
Reading by Maggie Donovan
First-grade teacher and SNCC veteran Maggie Donovan wrote this story about Sheyann Webb to introduce her students to the role of young people (like themselves) in the Civil Rights Movement.

Dramatization of the Bus Boycott for First and Second Grade
Lesson by Maggie Donovan
View a video and written procedure for young students to role play the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Bigger than a Hamburger
Lesson by Maggie Donovan
An activity for young students to understand and visualize the various goals of lunch counter sit-ins inspired by Ella Baker's words, "current demonstrations are concerned with something much bigger than a hamburger."